An Unfortunate Truth


An Unfortunate Truth

OK.  Things were starting to go well.  I was making friends.  I even got some comments on my blog.  A few tweets.  A few retweets.  I was starting to fit in.  Maybe I could hide my unfortunate truth and be one of those people.  You know, FIRE bloggers.  Those peeps who leap financial hurdles effortlessly, prance around in second-hand capes, and giggle in the face of insurmountable debt.

That could be me.  The real me.

Too bad I have to ruin it.  Because I'll never fit in.  They will never let me wear a thrift store cape when they learn the truth.  It's an ugly truth.  An unfortunate truth.  Shhh!  Come close and I'll tell you.  Wait.  Can anyone hear?  Come closer.  Closer. 

I Spend Money!

A lot of it.  Wait, wait...don't tell Mr. Tako (He's been eyeing my cape!)

I mean, I spend three to four times what some of these FIRE bloggers spend.  Root of Good?  Forget about it.

Now don't get me wrong.  I don't spend frivolously.  In fact I prefer to see myself like the guys over at ChooseFi.  A valuist.  But I find value in many things.  In fact, I rarely spend money on myself (besides my stealth wealth fail).  Life just cost money.  I live in a relatively high cost of living area.  I have a mortgage.  We need extra childcare since both me and the missus have demanding jobs.  We broke the budget and sent my daughter to private school after a particularly bad year in public.

So lets look at just a few of my budget items:

Mortgage 22K

Private School 20K

Childcare 25k

Charitable 20K

Travel 15K

And this is just the tip of the stack of hundreds.  That's a budget of like 3MM (Mr Money Mustache) already.

Do I sweat this?  No.  I have planned accordingly.  I have fired up FireCalc so often that I think sometimes the creators are messing with the numbers to get me to leave their damn site.

In other words, I don't think frugality has such a specific definition.

I think it is in the eye of the wallet holder.

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The Earn & Invest Podcast

This podcast is an exploration of personal finance, financial independence, and taking the conversation to the next level.  The show features panel discussions with top influencers in the personal finance space.  Guests weigh in on questions that don't have clear answers.

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Transfer of Addiction


Why I’m Not a Financial Moron